Well done Miliband, it’s a start.
But, why isn’t Labour talking in terms of a living wage when
calculating the level of the minimum wage? Most people on minimum wage struggle
greatly to survive. Even by government’s own reckoning the minimum wage is
insufficient. This is why people working full time are forced to claim tax
credits and housing benefit in order just to live.
By pitching the minimum wage so low we end up subsidising
bad employers. Therefore allowing scab companies who turn a profit and pay
their shareholders a dividend and board of directors obscene bonuses to abuse
the tax payer.
In most areas of public spending we hear the Tories defend
the hard done by tax payer. The welfare state is being dismantled because we’re
spending too much of hard earned tax payers’ money on public services.
The NHS is being sold off because, again, too much valuable
public taxes are being thrown into the service; and the private sector can do
the job more efficiently. Just remember that’s how they sold off our national
rail system; and look at how much more that is costing today in both fares and
public subsidy.
The other area that sees tax payers’ pounds being syphoned
off to the bank accounts of Tory landlords is housing benefit. As rents in some
areas of the country outstrip take home pay more working people are reduced to
claiming HB. Yet we don’t hear howls of righteous indignation coming from the
government benches as they denounce vampire landlords’ excessive rent demands.
Of course this Tory-led public-schoolboy packed government
doesn’t cry ‘Foul!’ in the direction of scum employers and vampire landlords.
They are after all their own kind.
However, Labour has no excuse. Labour could bring in rent
controls. Such a measure tied to a programme of building a million council
homes would put an end to the crazy cost of renting in areas of the country;
and create thousands of decently paid jobs in construction.
Raising the minimum wage to at least £9ph (or even £10ph) along
with the housing policy would take hundreds of thousands of workers out of the
benefits trap. Our hard earned taxes could then go back into the welfare state
and serve the many; not into off shore bank accounts that serve the few.
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