Sunday 4 December 2011

Strike Day, 30 November 2011

Seán McGovern speaking at the rally in 
Windrush Square on 30 November 2011 
Brixton's Windrush Square is always an interesting space; but on Wednesday it was more electric than its famous neighbour a few score meters away. Lambeth people are not by nature the shy and retiring types, as was evident on Strike Day.

About three- to three-hundred and fifty of us basked under a blue sky on an unusually mild late November morning opposite the seat of power in Lambeth, but we were in undisputed 'FREE LAMBETH' territory. This space and this day was ours!

Whistles and vuvuzela's blew while a constant reggae beat thrummed the air. Chants and signing competed with the reggae and whistles giving the whole thing a carnival feel.

Bang in the middle of the square sat the 'battle car'. This vehicle driven around the borough earlier in the morning taking in some of the picket lines.

At around 11 am people began making speeches. Though the variety of speakers was wide and their words very different; the message was the same. We're not going to allow this government, or any other, to smash our welfare state or sell off our NHS. Nor are we going to stand by and let this bunch of privileged millionaire and billionaire government steal our pensions from us.

Just after midday the speeches ended and some of the people left to join the bigger demonstrations in Central London.

This government is trying to play down the affect of our strike; Maude has even lied about the numbers taking part in the actions on live television. Yet, this government knows it has a problem; and, that the unions are enjoying quite a lot of public support. We must now drive home the point with more concerted actions.   


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