In the next few weeks Disabled Peoples’ Organisations in conjunction with Lambeth Council will begin a consultation process with Disabled residents of Lambeth on the establishment of a Centre for Independent Living (CIL) within the borough.
The purpose of a CIL would be to support disabled people across a wide range of economic, social and cultural activities; it would strive to give disabled people more independence through greater choice, control, rights and participation in all areas of living.
CIL’s are voluntary organisations developed, run and controlled by disabled people for disabled people; they are open to all disabled people regardless of gender, age (including disabled children and young people and their families), race or ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious conviction, or otherwise and anyone who describes themselves as a disabled person and/or anyone who has rights under the Disability Discrimination Act.
The CIL will adhere to a Social Model of Disability and will include people with a physical or sensory impairment, mental health issues, learning difficulty, neurodiversity or long-term health condition (such as HIV / AIDS, sickle cell, MS, or cancer to name just a few).
The Lambeth CIL will look to provide the following services (this is by no means exhaustive):
• Information and advice
• Direct Payments and independent living support services
• Consultation and involvement
• Disability equality training
• Advocacy and self-advocacy
• Peer support and counselling
• Support with access to housing, education and employment
• Access audits
• Campaigning for disabled people’s rights
Now for the inclusive bit! Lambeth would like to hear from disabled residents of the borough as to their thoughts and inputs into what they want from a centre for independent living.
Questions like:
• What services should be provided?
• What form of involvement do you wish for in a CIL?
• What form of accountability do you expect from a CIL?
• What information should be made available?
• How this information should be made available (newsletters, websites, local press etc)?
• What status the CIL should be striving for (non-charitable or charitable, a social enterprise etc)?
Finally, do you agree with these as the 12 Pillars of Independent Living?
• Appropriate and accessible information
• An adequate income
• Appropriate and accessible health and social care provision
• A fully accessible transport system
• Full access to the environment
• Adequate provision of technical aids and equipment
• Availability of accessible and adapted housing
• Adequate provision of personal assistance
• Availability of inclusive education and training
• Equal opportunities for employment
• Availability of independent advocacy and self-advocacy
• Availability of peer counselling
Consultation will be made up of small focus groups, a public meeting, questionnaires and an on-line survey. For more information about the development of a Lambeth CIL and about the focus groups contact
Disability Advice Service Lambeth - 020 7738 5656
Email: apply for a questionnaire contact Elaine Aherne, Lambeth Adults’ and Community Services – 020 7926 4704
Email: the on-line survey go to: